Are you ready to regain your core strength after having a baby?

Whoever made you think that you needed to bounce back right after giving birth can go take a fricken hike.

✌🏼 Ditch the guilt and insecurity, heal your abs safely, in minimal time- with me by your side.

Join Now!

Those damn facebook memories popping up ‘7 years ago today.’ 

You think ugh, “I want my old body back.”

I have to tell you something, regardless if you buy my program or not, 

Your new body, the one that birthed that baby? It's so amazing! 💞

It literally did the thing that no man will ever be able to do. You grew and pushed out (or had cut out) a freaking human  - and now, look at you, taking care of that precious life. You are a rockstar! 

I’m here for you if you are ready to feel like the rockstar you are. Get your strength back, connect your abs, stand a little taller, and take some time for you. 

And guess what? If your baby is still young and you don’t want to leave them, you don’t have to. 

Baby can lay down, right next to you while we work through this together.

I'm ready to do this!

There isn't a lot of good guidance out there on what is right and wrong as far as healing your abs. Let me take the guess work out for you. You don’t even need to think, just do. I'm here for you! 

Count me in!

Have you recently been cleared to exercise after having a baby but you don't know where to start?

Have you been exercising after having a baby but you are worried you are doing the wrong things or experiencing symptoms like leaking, pelvic pain and heaviness, or doming in your belly?

Or have you been working out after having a baby but you feel that you are not making progress on your core strength?

Then this program is for you!

The Postnatal Core Kick-start program will...

  • Provide exactly what your postpartum body needs to heal and strengthen with personalized, strategic and targeted exercise programming designed specifically for the postnatal period.
  • Teach you the foundations of rebuilding your core strength and connection for better, lasting results. 
  • Give you a step-by-step guide to get stronger and safely return to exercise after having a baby.
  • Help rehab your core to help with leaking, back pain, pelvic pressure, low belly pooch and diastasis recti recovery.
  • Heal your postpartum core from the inside-out addressing posture, alignment, breath, pelvic floor and core activation, form, everyday movements, safe exercises and progressions to build strength. 
  • Provide accountability and community to help you stay on track and get stronger.
I need this! Sign me up!

We prep so much for birth, but what about... after birth?

And one question further, what about YOU?

I want to help you stay strong physically, one step at a time, heal your core in minimal time, with the support you need.

Feel strong, confident and capable in your life as a mom.

Feel at home in your body again.

Let's do this!

Meet Caitlin

Hi I'm Caitlin Hatzenbuhler, I am a mom- just like you. 
Pilates was my go-to exercise before, during and after having my children and keeps me sane in a crazy life as a mom of boys. It was my calling to help others find wellness through movement so a few years ago I left a successful career in corporate marketing to follow my dream of becoming a Pilates instructor.
I realized there was a huge gap in education, guidance and support for new moms getting back to exercise. So I made it my focus to become the expert to help you! I know how to move and condition the body safely for the most benefit during this unique and special time.
I now get to do what I love every day. And as a perk- no more peeing pants! If you know, you know. (and if you do know- then my course is just the ticket you need!)
I also live in Sunny California and love a good red wine. 

What others are saying about working with Caitlin...


YOU GUYS!!! Caitlin changed my LIFE! I started with her a few months postpartum because I was struggling with diastasis recti and pelvic floor issues. My physical therapist recommended pilates with Caitlin to help speed up my recovery and I am sooo glad I listened!


Caitlin is incredibly personable, professional, and a master at her craft. I became her client just weeks after giving birth, and she helped repair my diastasis recti through targeted exercises and my overall fitness was improved. I could not be happier with her personalized and efficient work.


I started working with Caitlin who specializes in Diastasis Recti, and found it so amazing & much different than the group classes I had done before. Being able to target my exact needs was critical to make sure I didn’t make things worse. With her expertise, we were able to close the gap!

Here's what you get inside the program to rehab your core at your own pace:

This program includes EVERYTHING I teach and work on with my 1:1 postnatal and core rehab clients in my studio. I teach you, I guide you, I give you all the right exercises to get stronger from the comfort of your home for a small fraction of the cost! 

  • 8 weekly virtual on-demand education courses (8) to help you understand and get more in tune with your postnatal body.  (valued at $400)
  • 8 weekly virtual on-demand classes with targeted exercise series designed specifically for postpartum bodies to build strength and a routine of movement daily. (valued at $200)
  • Access to exclusive program Facebook community where you can ask questions, get feedback and find inspiration from fellow members (and me too!)
  • Goal setting and accountability workbook to help you track your progress both mentally and physically (valued at $50)
  • BONUS! Resources, checklists and step-by-step guides to take away all the unknown. (valued at $200) 
Join the Program Now!

Following our time together, you will: 

  • Have a strong and connected core again
  • Be confident in the way your postpartum body looks and feels
  • Reduce leaking, pelvic pressure, and back pain
  • Shrink your diastasis recti or low belly bulge
  • Have a better understanding of your core, how it all works together and why it's important
  • Be skilled at the foundations of core connection and strength 
  • Know how to move your body in everyday life to protect and heal your core
  • Have clarity on the best exercises to start with, what to avoid, and when and how to progress to more challenge.
  • Feel empowered to take on the physical demands of motherhood with ease 
  • Be proud of what you can accomplish when you invest time and energy in yourself
  • Join a community of women who are right there with you, cheering you on to do, feel and be your best

Ready to feel strong in your body again?

Join the Postnatal Core Kick-start Program and get ready to reconnect and regain your core strength after having a baby to feel confident, strong, and pain-free in your new body.

I have several payment options because I don't want cost to hold you back from taking the step to care for yourself.

Purchase Now!

Postnatal Core Kickstart

$349.00 USD
Postnatal Core Kick-start - 2 Payments

2 monthly payments of $175.00 USD
Join Postnatal Core Kickstart Now!


I would love to have to have you join, but if by any chance you want to chat before purchasing-

feel free to send me an email at [email protected]